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wheel alignment

Wheel Alignment

Here at South Coast Garage, we are committed to keeping Eastbourne motorists safe.

We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service and maintaining your vehicle to the highest level of roadworthiness. 

Our focus in this blog will be on the importance of wheel alignment for your safety and that of others on the road. We will discuss how correct alignment can save you money on fuel and tyres and what the telltale signs of misaligned wheels are. 

Maintaining the correct wheel alignment will extend the life of your tyres, reduce the risk of accidents, and save you money. 

wheel alignment

To learn more, keep reading.

What is wheel alignment?

Aligning the wheels means adjusting their angles, so they are parallel to one another and perpendicular to the ground. Optimal handling, performance, and safety of a vehicle depend on the correct wheel alignment.

There are two types of wheel alignment: two-wheel alignment and four-wheel alignment.

Known as front-end alignment, two-wheel alignment adjusts only the front wheels. Vehicles with a solid rear axle, such as trucks and older cars, are generally recommended for this type of alignment. South Coast Garages technicians adjust the camber, caster, and toe-in of the front wheels during a two-wheel alignment to ensure they align with the vehicle’s centerline.

The term four-wheel alignment, or all-wheel alignment, refers to the adjustment of all four wheels. In addition to modern cars and SUVs, vehicles with independent rear suspension benefit from this type of alignment. Our technicians at South Coast Garage adjust the camber, caster, and toe-in of all four wheels to ensure they’re aligned with each other and with the vehicle’s centerline during a four-wheel alignment.

In conclusion, two-wheel alignment is an alignment of only the front wheels, and four-wheel alignment aligns all four wheels. The alignment you need will depend on your vehicle’s suspension design and manufacturer recommendations.

Misaligned wheels can be caused by a variety of factors.

There are several reasons why wheels can become misaligned. A common cause of misaligned wheels is driving over potholes or rough roads. Moreover, hitting a curb or being in an accident can also cause misaligned wheels. It is also possible to have misaligned wheels due to the ageing of your vehicle’s suspension and steering components.

Here are some symptoms to look out for if you have experienced any of these issues and are unsure whether your wheels’ alignment has been affected.

wheel alignment

The tell-tale signs of misaligned wheels

You can tell if your wheels are misaligned by several tell-tale signs. Our technicians at South Coast Garage recommend that you bring your vehicle in for a wheel alignment check if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  1. Uneven tyre wear: Uneven tyre wear can be caused by misaligned wheels. One or more tyres may be wearing down more quickly than the others.
  2. Vehicle pulling to one side: Even on a straight road, your vehicle may pull to one side if your wheels are misaligned.
  3. Steering wheel off-centre: It may be a sign that your wheels are misaligned if your steering wheel is not centred even though you are driving straight.
  4. Vibration in the steering wheel: Vibrations in the steering wheel, especially when driving at high speeds, may indicate misaligned wheels.
  5. Squealing tyres: The tyres can squeal when the wheels are misaligned, particularly when turning.
  6. Reduced fuel efficiency: Having misaligned wheels can increase your vehicle’s fuel consumption by increasing the rolling resistance of the tyres.
  7. Difficulty handling the vehicle: When you make sudden turns or drive at high speeds, a misaligned wheel can make your vehicle difficult to control.

We recommend that you have your wheels checked by South Coast Garage if you notice any of these symptoms. In addition to causing unnecessary tyre wear, wheel misalignment can also reduce the fuel efficiency of a vehicle and even pose a safety concern.

wheel alignment

Aligning your wheels correctly has many benefits.

Aligning your wheels correctly offers several benefits, including:

  1. Improved vehicle handling: The right wheel alignment improves the steering and handling of your vehicle, especially when you take corners or drive at high speeds. Additionally, it provides a smoother and more comfortable ride.
  2. Longer tyre life: Tyre alignment ensures that your tyres wear evenly and last longer, saving you money on replacements.
  3. Better fuel efficiency: Wheel alignment reduces tyre resistance, which improves fuel efficiency and reduces vehicle fuel consumption.
  4. Safer driving: It is possible for misaligned wheels to lead to uneven tyre wear, resulting in handling problems and an increased chance of accidents. Wheel alignment ensures that your vehicle handles properly and reduces the risk of accidents.
  5. Reduced strain on vehicle components: In addition to causing unnecessary stress on your vehicle’s suspension and steering components, misaligned wheels can also lead to costly repairs. Wheel alignment minimises this strain and extends the life of these components.
  6. Improved driving comfort: When your wheels are aligned correctly, your vehicle rides smoothly and comfortably, making your driving experience more enjoyable and less exhausting.
  7. Cost savings: In the long run, wheel alignment can save you money on tyre replacements, fuel costs, and other vehicle repairs.

Align your wheels correctly to save money.

Properly aligned wheels can save you money, how much it will save depends on several factors, including the model of your vehicle, your driving habits, and how often you drive. Misaligned wheels, however, can lead to a 7% decrease in fuel efficiency. Fuel efficiency can be improved, and fuel costs can be reduced by aligning your wheels correctly.

The misalignment of your vehicle’s wheels may result in fuel expenses of around £120 per year if you lose up to 7% of your fuel efficiency. As an example, suppose you drive 15,000 miles per year in a car that averages 25 miles per gallon (mpg), and the cost of fuel is £5.27 per gallon. Aligning your wheels correctly could save you up to £120 in fuel costs each year.

Additionally, properly aligned wheels can extend the life of your tyres, saving you money on tyre replacements. By aligning the wheels correctly, you can avoid costly tyre replacements caused by misaligned wheels.

Getting your wheels aligned correctly can result in significant savings over time. Over the life of your vehicle, properly aligned wheels can save you hundreds of pounds in repair and maintenance costs by avoiding premature tyre replacements, improving fuel efficiency, and reducing wear and tear.

wheel alignment

In Summary

It is crucial to get your vehicle’s wheels checked and aligned regularly to ensure optimal performance, safety, and cost savings. 

If you notice any of the signs of misaligned wheels mentioned in this blog, we urge you to bring your vehicle to South Coast Garage for a wheel alignment check. Our experienced technicians will ensure that your wheels are aligned correctly, saving you money on fuel, tyres, and other costly repairs.

Don’t wait until it’s too late – schedule a wheel alignment appointment with South Coast Garage today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with safe, efficient, and cost-effective driving.

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