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VW Wheel Alignment

VW Wheel Alignment

Your Volkswagen is your trusted vehicle to get you where you need to go. With such a wide range on offer, there is a VW for everyone. So what would you do if your VW started handling unusually?  It would be a good time to consider if your  wheel alignment was correct.  Without proper wheel alignment, you could be risking road safety and losing money.

Correctly aligned wheels help improve tyre lifespan and reduce the risk of accidents.

The team at South Coast Garage have created this comprehensive guide that helps identify misaligned wheels, and how aligned wheels help in everyday driving.

At South Coast Garage, we help you drive safely on the road with safety inspections, maintenance, and repairs thanks to our friendly team of Volkswagen experts.

Read on to find out more about VW wheel alignment…

VW Wheel Alignment

What are Wheel Alignments in my Volkswagen?

Aligning your wheels is a process where suspension and steering components are adjusted to ensure that all wheels are pointing in the same direction. Left and right wheels need to be parallel, and all wheels need to be perpendicular to the road for the best handling, safety and to avoid tyre wear.

Two-wheel alignment and four-wheel alignment are the two main types of alignment procedures.

Two-wheel alignment only adjusts the front wheels. Also known as front-end alignment, two-wheel alignments are performed on Volkswagen models with solid rear axles (such as vans and trucks). A South Coast Garage technician will adjust the camber, caster and toe-in during a two-wheel alignment, ensuring they are in line with the vehicle centreline.

A four-wheel alignment adjusts all four wheels and most modern Volkswagen models will require an all-wheel alignment as they have independent suspension setups. Our technicians at South Coast Garage will perform a four-wheel alignment by adjusting the camber, caster and toe-in of all four wheels to ensure they are pointing straight and aligned independently.

The suspension setup on your vehicle will determine the type of wheel alignment you need. 

How Can My Volkswagen Wheels Become Misaligned?

There are many ways that wheels can become misaligned on your Volkswagen. Hitting potholes, driving on uneven roads, and colliding with kerbs are all common reasons. Over time, normal wear and tear of chassis components can also cause wheel misalignment.

If you suspect that your Volkswagen has misaligned wheels, then keep reading and follow this checklist to see if you have any tell-tale signs.

How To Detect Misaligned Wheels in Your Volkswagen

There are several clear signs that your wheels might not be aligned properly. If you notice any of these issues, it’s a good idea to bring your Volkswagen to our technicians at South Coast Garage for a wheel alignment check:

  1. Steering wheel not centred: If the steering wheel isn’t in the middle when you’re driving straight, it could mean that the wheels are not aligned.
  2. Noisy tyres: Wheels that aren’t aligned can make the tyres squeal, especially when you’re making turns.
  3. Hard to control the vehicle: Turning suddenly or driving fast can be tricky if one of your wheels is out of alignment.
  4. Vehicle drifting to one side: Misaligned wheels may cause your vehicle to drift to one side – even on a straight road.
  5. Uneven tyre wear: Wheel misalignment can lead to uneven wear on your tyres, meaning some may wear out faster than others.
  6. Lower fuel efficiency: If your wheels aren’t aligned, it can make your vehicle use more fuel by increasing the resistance of the tyres.
  7. Steering wheel shakes: Feeling vibrations in the steering wheel, especially at high speeds, might be a sign that your wheels are misaligned.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to have your Volkswagen checked as soon as possible. At South Coast Garage, we have a team of professionals on hand with specialist tools to properly check and align your wheels. Not addressing this issue could risk your road safety, increase tyre wear, and also lead to poor fuel economy.

Benefits of VW Wheel Alignment

Aligning your wheels correctly offers several advantages, such as:

  1. Better fuel efficiency: When your wheels are properly aligned, it reduces resistance on the tyres, which, in turn, lowers fuel consumption and enhances fuel efficiency.
  2. Savings on costs: With the right wheel alignment, you can cut expenses on tyre replacements, fuel, and other vehicle fixes.
  3. Less strain on vehicle parts: If your wheels are out of alignment, it can put unnecessary stress on your vehicle’s suspension and steering components, leading to costly repairs. Aligning the wheels helps ease this strain, extending the life of these parts.
  4. Improved vehicle handling: Properly aligned wheels enhance your vehicle’s steering and handling, especially during turns and high-speed driving. This not only makes the ride smoother, but also more comfortable.
  5. Safer driving: Misaligned wheels can cause uneven tyre wear, affecting how your vehicle handles and increasing the risk of accidents. Wheel alignment ensures your vehicle behaves correctly, reducing the chance of accidents.
  6. Extended tyre life: Aligning your tyres results in a longer lifespan and even wear, ultimately saving you money in the long run.
  7. Enhanced driving comfort: Aligned wheels contribute to a smoother and more comfortable ride, making your driving experience less tiring and more enjoyable.

Save on Maintenance Costs When You Align Your Wheels Properly

If your Volkswagen wheels are properly aligned you could save on fuel and maintenance costs. It ultimately depends on your Volkswagen model, how you drive and how many miles you drive per year. However, studies have suggested that misaligned wheels could reduce fuel economy by 7%. 

Having your wheels properly aligned could improve fuel efficiency and save you on replacement tyres – let’s use an example.

Let’s say you cover 15,000 miles annually in your Volkswagen. It typically achieves 30 miles per gallon (mpg), and the fuel price is £6.60 per gallon. Having your vehicle’s wheels properly aligned might save you around £220 in fuel expenses each year.

This does not factor in tyre costs either. With properly aligned wheels, you could prolong the life of your tyres and reduce the need for replacements. We help you align your Volkswagen wheels and keep you safe on the road at South Coast Garage thanks to our expert team.

VW Wheel Alignment

Proper VW Wheel Alignment is Vital

Having your Volkswagen wheels aligned is important for both road safety and your wallet. It helps prolong the life of your tyres and can help improve fuel economy too. With properly aligned wheels, your driving experience and handling are more predictable, and you can reduce the risk of accidents and high repair bills.

If you believe your wheels might be misaligned after reading this article, then contact our team at South Coast Garage. We are your local Volkswagen experts and can align your wheels and keep you safe on the road by performing safety checks. Our team has decades of experience across all models and can quickly get your vehicle back on the road working safely. Visit or call us today!

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